Given the seriousness of the topic that day and many people may be affected by this issue in our valley, we grouped at the top of our iconography section which reads the explanation necessary:
1) drawing on the satiric SPANC as s ervice both CONTROL and repair.
2) colored plan of what the new standards, from European directives, impose the system of private sewerage systems via SPANC -General for information. The owners concerned shall in the state not entitled to subsidies, but this may change if the people concerned shrug tone and form a coalition to demand new measures for them.
3) An example of a draft decision on fares SPANC: we note the differences and especially the various fees may be required in the specified frame.
4) A summary of the various possible interventions SPANC obviously supposed to be paying at every stage, work not included.
5) Diagram of the diagnostic results of SPANC in a district covering 1481 installations. Note the percentage of 8% of facilities acceptable and others refused, or acceptable subject work. Clearly, 92% of the facilities of this rural township in 2007 were outside the norms SPANC. This means that huge sums were then collected on 92% of homeowners whose system was not acceptable!
The SPANC or how the State helps local authorities to levy new charges against the people in crisis worldwide.
While the state is in crisis and that the government would like to include in the Constitution the principle-of-the unrealistic requirement of a balanced budget, it seems that, for ordinary citizens, this principle of harmony between revenues and expenditures is not the agenda of politicians of all stripes.
In rural areas as in other industries, the laws created the famous Round Table of the Environment, prepared under the leadership of Jean-Louis Borloo prominent advocate of French wine have increased taxes and royalties, whether airport charges on airline tickets - what is killing the competitiveness of airlines and airports in France-on pleasure craft and trade but also on water and sanitation, both collective and private!
For today, we will focus on sanitation non-collective (ANC) expression that can also result in private sanitation autonomous
France has the world a unique contradictory most essential public services decline, regress and are placed in a situation of not being able to perform their essential missions, more legislators in order to create puncture of ordinary citizens, without actually making a positive impact and / or beneficial to anyone.
An admirable example of this ongoing process is the birth of SPANC , barbarism, which developed its initials mean " Public Service for sewerage.
far, sanitation private, non-collective came under applicable regulations during the construction of autonomous systems and was not, in addition to rising costs of equipment obeying standards more stringent, taxable or liable.
With the Grenelle Environment Mr. Borloo rural areas will have to pay for their site sanitation, the money collected from, as appropriate, local authorities and / or communities of Commons!
In summary, the state drop the charges and taxes for the wealthy (eg ISF) as he cynically and openly encourages municipalities to take more charges on residents campaigns, regardless of their real disposable income.
So the SPANC was established by Act No. 2010-788 of 12 July 2010 . The text that frames the charges for this service is Article R 2224-19-5 CGCT-General Code of Local Authorities.
He says:
" " Art. R. 2224-19-5 .
"The sewerage charge includes a hand to cover the costs of controlling the design, implementation and good performance and proper operation of facilities and, where appropriate, a share to cover the costs of maintaining them.
" The representative share of control operations is calculated based on criteria set by the authority mentioned in the first paragraph of Article R. 2224-19-1 and taking particular account of the situation, the nature and extent of facilities. These operations may give rise to a flat fee.
" The representative share of the benefits of maintenance is due only when using the service for maintenance by the user. The terms pricing should reflect the nature of services provided. "
quoted text referring to the section of the Code 2224-19-1 R, we give away the text so that everyone in the know, by preceding it by the Article R 2224-19 which sets out the principles of the new charges and imposed:
" Art. R. 2224-19. - " Any public service sanitation, whatever its mode of operation gives rise to the collection of royalties sanitation established under conditions laid down in Articles R. 2224-19-1 R. 2224-19-11 .
Art. R. 2224-19-1 . -
" The council or the legislative body of the public institution responsible for all or part of public service collective sanitation or establishes a non-collective sanitation fee for the part of the service it provides and sets the price.
When sanitation services for both public sanitation and sewerage, two separate charges are imposed . The supplementary budget of sanitation services or the joint budget for water and sanitation established under conditions laid down by Article L. 2224-6 or report summary referred to in Article L. 2221-11 must appear in a state complementary distribution between operations respectively on collective sanitation and sewerage .
The administrative account must show the same way that distribution.
In case of delegation of sanitation services, rate of the fee may include, besides a share, set by the delegation agreement, returning to the delegate as charges for the service he provides a share of the delegating authority to cover the remaining expenses at its own expense.
Translate jargon-politico-legal administrative language accessible to all citizens:
A new fee was born with SPANC. That fee is actually divided into two parts: one concerns
control, mandated by law, sanitation self, which must therefore meet stringent environmental standards. The other is up to standard and the subsequent verification of such standards previously controlled facilities deemed "nonconforming " ..
The goal, everyone will understand, is twofold:
1 - to charge a fee SPANC control by a qualified, skilled, therefore, should logically be an official of the municipality or community of communities, private sanitation facilities to validate compliance .
2 - as in the countryside, much of the facilities, old nature, are not newly issued standards, this law will generate spending heavily to set mandatory standards to the financial detriment of the inhabitants, and benefit, from SPANC if it also ensures the work of upgrading through another fee for services rendered or a delegate of private law.
At the exit, paying new control audit of the facility against the standards imposed.
summed it up as a resident, the SPANC is the inverse of a certain game of chance " the citizen pays to scratching (control) and it also pays draw (after the required standards, all at his expense) " .
And this is how policymakers can use the environment to raise new burdens on the people, and at several levels. note that if notice of work required, the SPANC can be judge and possibly interested in carrying out the work he imposes!
However, like many villages, including remote, as this fee SPANC repeatedly over the considerable costs it generates sow rebellion among farmers and ranchers already impoverished by the political Agricultural Policy (European) one of our readers to the town of Cognac Forest informs us that in his town, a petition is already circulating.
Like ERP in Saint Laurent, Cognac Forest, the a revolt of people against injustice and loads more and heavier occurs and develops.
Last point for now: the communes and municipalities have the right to vote or not such charges, SPANC knowing that establishes many charges, not taxes. Mr. Blond now know the differences between these two public levies.
They also have the right to vote to deny such charges, arguing that the interests of residents, is to fix a nominal sum, as permitted by the text of the law.
They may also include the cost of SPANC in the general budget so as to mark their opposition to these new levies on citizens and voters.
They may also include the cost of SPANC in the general budget so as to mark their opposition to these new levies on citizens and voters.
Regarding our blog we are unconditionally against new burdens on people, especially during this terrible time of crisis during which ministers are buying luxury homes or spend money Pharaonic private trips paid for by public funds.
To be continued with soon the text of the petition and the word given to the people revolted against the measures in SPANC Valley Gorre.
This blog is dedicated effect to all citizens because our writing is also composed of ordinary citizens.
Cantonal elections: 7 candidates for an armchair
Although the subject is not exciting and unique problems most urgent beset citizens, we inform that, to date, OE, are candidates in the township people following
For Europe Ecology: Dominique Normand - John Jacops
The Socialist Yves Raymondaud - Marie-Hélène Ratinaud
To the Left Front Roger GAYOT - Irene Lamonerie
Miscellaneous right: Jean RIFFAUD
To Front National : Vincent Gerard
Label Free Philippe Pellerin
Label Free : Christian Vignerie
list is not closed because the campaign is still in its infancy.
As we all know and have understood our blog mentions citizen ballot, but not take a position, trusting the people to determine according to their specific interests and well understood.
Before, during and after the elections, we remain independent, which does not mean neutral or inactive.
We clearly part:
- for citizens and their collective interests,
- for the repeal of the fee multiple stages of SPANC,
- for control the REOM and its replacement by a TEOM and really just an incentive for residents
- to return to public management of water, public sanitation and household refuse,
- for repayment of the ERP to the villagers of Vignerie.
- for citizens and their collective interests,
- for the repeal of the fee multiple stages of SPANC,
- for control the REOM and its replacement by a TEOM and really just an incentive for residents
- to return to public management of water, public sanitation and household refuse,
- for repayment of the ERP to the villagers of Vignerie.
readers, readers continue to write us through the writing, or via the comments that you are freely open.
Our blog is intended to help collectively defend the interests of all our citizens.
Our blog is intended to help collectively defend the interests of all our citizens.
Writing the blog of the citizens of the valley and surrounding Gorre
(written and published online February 18, 2011)
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