Monday, February 7, 2011

Hair Depilatories And Eczema

Gorre: things are moving fast .....!

The opening image is offered in tribute to the results for the mayor of Saint Lawrence Public Meeting of February 5, 2011 called to invent a GPE stillborn as a result of chaotic management and devoid of any legality.


Undoubtedly, the situation in Valley Gorre evolves faster and faster and the system Blond, makes an explosive mixture of confusion, of errors and no chaotic management strategy crumbles piece by piece.

This collapse is emerging through announcements of nominations for the cantonal elections, without consulting the mayor and chairman of the community of Commons by former close this election and elected representatives of the valley. Evidenced by the various applications that grow on the announced withdrawal of the former general counsel who was very close to Mr. Blond, both at Saint Cyr Saint Awning or St. Lawrence.

According to our calculations, there are at least 6 candidates contesting the elections, this time for the Canton of St. Laurent sur Gorre.

is a strong sign of the disintegration Blond current system which could, in the course of its decay, reveal large bottom and across this great system have the unprecedented mess ERP gives you an idea, a small, but indicative of how internal functioning.

Meanwhile, in the population, the climate turns to revolt against the past management of the mayor who does more than any team that express disagreement and criticism, overt signs of cracks become real gaps.

At Saint Laurent, a stronghold of President Community of communes, the population of Vignerie intends to require the immediate repayment of the 1500 Euro ERP recognized as a mistake by the mayor himself.

The arguments given by our blog, transmitted and reflected through word of mouth convinced t e village residents that the history of the GPE was a pitiful and grotesque attempt to keep their money in municipal fund, where he has nothing to do and where he should never have been.

To this, let's add to complete to show that the mayor of St. Lawrence intended to betray the people on issues of budget consolidation link to the Senate of the Republic:

It says this interesting passage on the recent amendment of section 2224-11-1 L General Code of Local Authorities (CGCT):

" municipalities can vote in excess

the "investment" of their budget

Article L. 2224-11-1 [new] the General Code of Territorial opens to the Commons opportunity to vote in the surplus section investment "of their Budget , to enable them to provision and financing of the extension or improvement of the services they have registered as part of a multiyear program.

This responds to the recommendations that had issued the Court of Auditors in its reports of 1997 and 2003. It aims to facilitate the smoothing of the impact of multi-year programs on water prices. Indeed, the requirement to balance the budget for utilities and industrial trade, which follows the principle of equivalence between fixed rates and services to users, prohibits communities to renew their voting equipment in their budget surplus to make provisions for the flow of work ahead. "

Clearly, the mayor has the opportunity not to annoy people by asking them Vignerie wrongly money for the public network COMMUNAL wastewater completed in July 2009, this playing on the opportunity offered by this budget section reworded to avoid just practice increases sudden loads on water bills ....

This possibility is open since the law n ° 2006-1772 of 30 December 2006 (!!!), in Article 54 which effectively creates the article L 2224-11-1 CGCT to assist municipalities.

If Mr. Alain Blond unaware of this possibility, legal since 2006 before that day, now he can no longer ignore.

Similarly on the issue of drinking water and access to the poorest citizens, we recommend to elected municipalities in the valley of the Gorre playing e SOLIDARITY this Act which can only lead interest. Note that this Act comes into force on 1 January 2012:

Other mayors in the valley of the Gorre will also, to anticipate the best interests of all, future work in the field of drinking water and sanitation.

For the mayor of Saint Lawrence, is an excellent way out of crisis by the top-dating from 2006 still - without revolt of the population without raising taxes, without invention of GPE based on illegal deliberation of public policy.

Here the link to the Act of December 30, 2006, for the accurate and complete information of all our citizens and elected:

h ttp: / / /; jsessionid = C97F46C586397B0FF490BC74A7E2C886.tpdjo10v_3? idArticle JORFARTI000001689010 = & = cidTexte JORFTEXT000000649171 & dateTexte = 29990101 & id = categorieLien

him to seize this opportunity before the entire system totally exploded and the explosion generates a situation beyond his control.

Furthermore, we will use these elections to put the requirement REOM immediate withdrawal of the municipalities and the return of utility water and garbage, to ease the financial burden on municipalities, so the inhabitants.

As said one of our loyal readers' the case of ERP Vignerie was the trigger for events which precipitate more quickly .

The Valley Gorre seen as a "small Tunisia" or "u do tiny Egypt" what an idea!

Writing the blog of the valley and surrounding Gorre
(written and published online 7 February 2011)

Below is the result of years of chaotic management, full of confusions, deliberations illegal, and made mistakes in Saint Laurent sur Gorre and also the community of communes: the disintegration of a system of action and thought without consistency, without a strategy without attention to the public interest, without vision or anticipation.


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