Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Heather Brooke Stopped

The truth if I lie, the new saga St. Lawrence Valley

Above, an image of big waves crashing to shore. One can see, Gorre Valley, a symbol of the forces increasingly powerful undermine the stability of the municipality of the county town of Canton, Saint Laurent sur Gorre, especially as each day brings its share of information that destroy the pretensions of the mayor on his GPE discovery of her hat and pulled 5 February 2011, further evidence of management increasingly disorderly panic bordering on chaotic.



The cascading consequences of the case of a PRE REQUESTED ONLY to residents of the village of Vignerie continue. And it seems they will not stop anytime soon.

Today we are new elements that show, INCREASINGLY, the total bad faith of the town hall of Saint Lawrence in this folder.

As everyone knows now, since the mayor of St. Lawrence was admitted to a public meeting of citizens and elected February 5, 2011, the ERP has could not apply to owners of existing homes before work creation of a common sewer and who, by necessity, an autonomous system of sanitation. "


THE MAYOR RECOGNIZES , but after months of silence and procrastination, which proves either that do not consult much of the town counsel, or that it is not very competent or not listening counsel in administrative law, as desired.

February 5, 2011, the same mayor, a lawyer from Paris at the expense of the town, asserts that the CITY COUNCIL SAINT LAURENT have passed a GPE (Participation Fee Connection to sewer), April 11, 2007, amounting to 550 euros.

We have shown before the administration of the State, Justice, the inhabitants of the valley that Gorre c ette deliberation was ILLEGAL because WITHOUT REFERENCE TO A NATIONAL LEGAL TEXT VALID among many other obvious defects that make this decision null and void.

A great lawyer, writer duo of several books on urban planning, national expert on this subject, Me C friend of our blog We sent a detailed email showing that if the mayor of St. Lawrence produced a payment order to the people under of these discussions, his administrative act would result annulled as contrary to the texts of public policy, with all the consequences of any kind against the perpetrator of such an initiative.

But the mayor of St. Lawrence will have another problem, also of right and this time far worse because it directs payment of a GPE AGAINST RESIDENTS ONLY Vignerie It could then be responsible for a discriminatory and unfair attitude of citizens of the town.

Indeed, it appears from testimony WRITTEN received by our editorial that residents of villages Niolet and Mons who saw collective sewer be constructed, as was the case in the village Saint Laurent, NEVER PAY GPE!

Replays does one town hall of Saint Laurent a new version of the film: " the truth if I lie ?

The mayor and his lawyer will they, in this situation PROVED continue to dare to suggest q eu deliberation adopted for all communication of April 11, 2007 HAS BEEN APPLIED TO ALL COMMON they would hear or discriminate against people with a measure Vignerie inequity obvious?

In summary, the situation becomes complicated more and more for this mayor has not yet realized that the only way it is still available:


As evidenced by the comments received and incorporated in the previous section of this blog, it seems that even relationships Alain Blond, which present themselves as Masons of the department, no longer want to be linked to errors , confusion and mistakes that committed elected and commits in its management of the town of Saint Laurent.

Moreover, the crisis in the municipality of Mr. Blond rushes and many inhabitants were living testimonies and direct.

Tel elected expressed his wish to leave team in place, another says that the situation became "untenable ", another says he does not wish to be associated with errors and confusions of the mayor, in short, the elected City Council are not at ease and inform some people, family, loved ones who pass the statements of elected officials involved in the whole population.

The March 2011 election context also plays a catalytic role should not be overlooked.
The various elected right, as they are called at St. Lawrence believe that the Township will switch in favor of PS, all that in the UMP departmental spheres, considering that the latest events in Mr. Saint Laurent makes a Blond " bullet" that Locally running the latest electoral chances of the government party .....

This tilting of the township would be a terrible political blow to Mayor of Saint Lawrence and is likely to also cause a change in power relations within the Community Commons. Do not we say with some reason why some elected officials, said "without label "in the towns of our valley are in fact members of the PS or close to this party?

While, meanwhile, various right candidates, which arise spontaneously, saddled heavily miraculous good fortune for the PS , the official candidate of the UMP in the township ... ..

We said at the entrance to this story: the consequences of the case of ERP Vignerie are devastating, but waves follow one another in time with increasing force.


Our editorial received the confidences of a large Parisian lawyer familiar with the transaction at Saint Laurent and, without betraying its us discrete membership who look only to him, says this sentence instructive
" He has been reported that the mayor of St. Laurent sur Gorre tried to deceive on a false charge of planning a personality eminent international Rotary Club. This is a very bad thing from him. "

Certainly, if this is indeed the case, the mayor of Saint Laurent accumulates really challenges from all sides .....

Writing the blog of the citizens of the valley and surrounding Gorre
(written and published online February 8, 2011)

Below is a picture of black hole. Could this be the symbol of a black hole absorbing some of our elected valley that accumulates for months blunders, errors, mistakes, misunderstandings, unfortunate decisions, rising against him and his actions all segments of the population?


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