Above, a revolutionary engraving of 1793 showing the tax change the image of peasants in France with the birth of the Republic. A helpful reminder to politicians who vote without reading the laws and regulations in force a settlement of SPANC community of Commons which is a small cartoon of arbitrary manor before 1792. We'll have that this regulation be amended in accordance with the law. The sooner the better.
The settlement of the community of municipalities to control non-collective remediation by SPANC seems to present, according to our readers, a point on which they drew, with reason, our attention: this text appears to provide in effect an arbitrary and completely illegal: payment of a sum of 60 euros for single passage of the person in charge of controlling, although it can be done!
Obviously, the financial situation of the community of Commons as its President, Mayor of Saint Laurent, who was elected to multiple errors, seeks by all means, even those that are unacceptable, illegal and illogical, to raise money in the pocket of the residents.
Thus, it is reported that the lady who deals in Valley Gorre controls on behalf of SPANC seems to have not even received a updated list of homes and owners .
She has visited, without necessity, owners of the village of Bourgonie, in the commune of Saint Cyr, which are connected to public sanitation .....!!!
Although the community has successfully registered as joint owners are actually related to this collective system which has specific plans and can check these plans in minutes with the services SAUR, the lady went there, but a waste of time.
However, following passage by mistake, the community of Commons has issue enforcement orders for payment on the grounds staggering controls that have not occurred and could not be made.
We are facing a problem possible forgery of public documents and accounting that could well end up in the hands of criminal justice if these practices are realized in cash Rochechouart.
It is therefore appropriate that the elected Community Valley tidy Gorre legal in the errors of their President, before problems multiply and that conflicts with residents from escalating.
recall the texts to help in this regard.
Article 2224-19-5 R the General Code of Territorial Authorities is a good levy SPANC here are the practical details:
" "The sewerage fee includes a share for cover the expenses of design control, the establishment and proper implementation and proper functioning of the facilities and, where appropriate, a share to cover the costs of maintaining them. "
Clearly, u No owner shall pay the costs of monitoring the installation of sewerage non-collective control only when actually done with a report that only allows, after its issue, the payment the fee by the Treasury SPANC Rochechouart.
If the inspector's visit SPANC owner connected to the network group or can not control the installation of non-group for some reason, so she placed st unable to submit a report of effective control, nothing is due for the fee SPANC!
It seems that a file is PRE bis initiated under the pen chaotic Alain Blond, President of the association of local, specialist and confusion and error are recognized by itself.
Already, owners have received requests for payment when no effective control has been done collectively preparing to enter the media, and prefect of Justice this flagrant violation of the law.
For elected officials and citizens, here is the State's position on the fee AFTER effective control.
No elected can say he did not know the position of the State, therefore legal doctrine adopted for all SPANC France.
No elected can say he did not know the position of the State, therefore legal doctrine adopted for all SPANC France.
Full text emphasized the key point which NO RULES SPANC can not derogate:
" Written Question No. 80691 Robert Lecou (UMP - Hérault) published in the OJ of 12/01/2010 AN
- Robert Lecou attracts the attention of the minister of State, Minister of Ecology, energy, sustainable development and the sea, in charge of green technologies and negotiations Climate, on-site sanitation. In Article 54 of Law No. 2006-1772 of 30 December 2006 on water and aquatic environments, requires the joint establishment of the utility sewerage service by calling public industrial and commercial. Section L. 2224-2 CGCT made under Act No. 25 of 2008-14 December 27, 2008 states that the SPANC must have an autonomous budget. He also admitted that the council could decide the management by the core budget of the municipality and, subject to conditions, certain expenses of the budget schedule SPANC. This provision appears to apply more complex or even impossible, when a structure manages inter-map, only industrial and commercial public services, with separate budgets and when municipalities or communities that do not stick it up all the same services. The only recipe is the legal establishment of a fee for services rendered. If the event the date of assessment is perfectly set, namely the achievement of good working visit, he thanked to indicate whether the diagnostic visit, technically considered to be the first visit made on the operation an installation may be considered the date of entry into force of the fee , even if the diagnostic visit has been billed . If this was not the case, he wished to know how to address the fiscal imbalance SPANC, as part of an inter-institution, for the period between the diagnostic visit the visit of operation, during which space of time agents SPANC provide missions education on new or rehabilitated facilities and advice at the request of service users.
Section A. 2224-19-5 code generally provides that local authorities charge for sewerage includes a hand to cover the costs of controlling the design, implementation, good implementation, operation of facilities and, where appropriate, a share to cover the costs of maintaining them. The representative share of control operations is calculated based on criteria defined by council or the legislative body of the institution competent public taking into account the particular situation, the nature and extent of facilities. These transactions result in pricing that may either be fixed or take into account criteria related to the reality of control. The representative share of the benefits of maintenance is due only when using the service for maintenance by the user. The pricing must reflect the nature of services provided. The basis of the fee as consideration for services rendered, it is necessarily linked to the accomplishment of the mission control facility site sanitation collective. C ette mission control has been clarified by the recent Law No. 2010-788 of 12 July 2010 on national commitment to the environment, called Grenelle 2, distinguishing between new installations and existing installations. Thus, with regard either to examine the operation and maintenance for an existing facility is a screening design and implementation for a new installation, the fee is collected from the visit of the public utility 'sewerage (SPANC).
PS: A meeting of the Collective citizen for the repeal of REOM, municipal ownership of water services and garbage fees and cons SPANC is actively preparing the valley of Gorre.
founder office informs us that he will fix soon a date, time and venue for all people affected by these three files or one of them to federate energies effectively.
Similarly, we will contact the citizen s agenda exact this meeting.
We ask interested readers make themselves known to the editor that will send forth to the office of the Collective in order to calculate the number of places that will prepare.
Writing the blog of the valley and surrounding Gorre
(written and posted on March 1, 2011)
Below tickets 500 euros including the President of the Community of municipalities in the valley they would like Gorre abound its budget from the pockets of people, especially the most disadvantaged. When Nicolas Sarkozy is considering the removal of the ISF (Wealth Tax), Mr. Blonde invents new and heavy fees, but also wants to charge them without observing the text, as for the PRE to Vignerie. A stop to these abuses is required.
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